Do you charge any setup fees? No, we never charge any setup fees. In fact, we do not charge any hidden fees whatsoever, you simply pay for what you see on this site.
Do you offer money back if I am unhappy with the service? Yes, if you decide to change your mind after sampling our services we will be happy to give you a full refund. We would prefer if you contact us as soon as you can, within seven days of opening your account, otherwise a refund may not be possible.
Naturally, domain registrations, renewals and transfers cannot be refunded.
Can you help me familiarize myself with your accounts? Yes, once we receive your payment, we will be happy to offer some help and advice to get you started. We do not offer free trials and we cannot offer refunds if you subscribe for this purpose, also we cannot offer support on third-party products or script debugging.
Can I buy the cheapest option first, then upgrade later? Yes, if you do not know how much space, bandwidth or other services you require, we recommend our HOST CASTLE service. If you want to upgrade, you may do so at any time. We will not financially penalize you on service upgrades or downgrades.
Any other questions? Please contact us with your pre-sales query now!
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Email You can contact us by email at any time either through the website on the left or direct. We usually respond to most website queries within an hour, but sometimes you may have to wait longer for a reply.
Forums Please feel free to signup to our forums where you can post your sales or support related questions.
Phone/Fax We can be contacted by phone at any time. If you wish to fax, please call us first.
Phone: |
(0044) 8715 208 308 |
Fax: |
(0044) 8715 208 408 |
ICQ If you have any support questions, please feel free to ask us on ICQ.
MSN If you are an MSN user, we are happy to talk to you at any time.
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